This official Master from Zaragoza University (Spain) has a duration of one academic year and comprises 60 ECTS credits. The course is suitable for graduates with science, engineering, medicine or related degrees keen to develop careers at the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
The course is multidisciplinary and aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge, practical experience, and skills in the fabrication and characterization of nanostructured materials and devices with applications in key areas of nanochemistry, nanophysics, and nanobiomedicine.
The University of Zaragoza and the Institutes of Nanoscience and Materials Science of Aragón (INA and ICMA) have exceptional materials preparation and characterization equipment, including some unique instruments in Spain and Europe.
The course is completely taught in English by highly qualified members of research and academic staff within the INA, ICMA, and the Faculty of Science of Zaragoza University as well as by other national and international departments and industrial representatives.
The master comprises six mandatory modules (36 ECTS credits) which include lectures, tutorials, practical work in the laboratory, and case studies. In addition, the student will course two (10 ECTS credits) out of the four optional modules offered. The course also includes an individual research project (14 ECTS credits). The students will select the individual project in consultation with the Course co-ordinator. The project will be related to the student background degree and research or professional interests.
Master website: