Jesús A. Fuentes-García, A. Carvalho-Alavarse, Ana C. Moreno-Maldonado, A. Toro-Córdova, M. Ricardo Ibarra, G.F. Fabián.
ACS Omega. 7 Oct. 2020.
DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c02212.
Personal website
Jesús A. Fuentes-García, A. Carvalho-Alavarse, Ana C. Moreno-Maldonado, A. Toro-Córdova, M. Ricardo Ibarra, G.F. Fabián.
ACS Omega. 7 Oct. 2020.
DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c02212.
Beatriz Sanz, Rafael Cabreira Gomes, Teobaldo Enrique Torres, Daniela Paola Valdés, Enio Lima, Emilio De Biasi, Roberto D Zysler, Manuel Ricardo Ibarra, and Gerardo Fabián Goya.
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2020. 21 Aug. 2020.
DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c01545.
J. Benito-Llorens, I. Guillamón, I. García-Serrano, R. Córdoba, J. Sesé, J.M. de Teresa, M. Ricardo Ibarra, S. Vieira, M. Ortuño, H. Suderow.
PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 033133 (2020). Published 24 July 2020.
B. Muzzi, M. Albino, C. Innocenti, M. Petrecca, B. Cortigiani, C. de Julián Fernández, G. Bertoni, R. Fernández-Pacheco, A. Ibarra, C. Marquina, M.R. Ibarra. C. Sangregorio.
Nanoscale, 2020. Accepted manuscript. Published 5 June 2020.
DOI: 10.1039/D0NR01361G.
Huang, H (Huang, Hao); Gao, M (Gao, Ming); Kang, YH (Kang, Yihong); Li, J (Li, Jia)[ 1 ] ; Wang, JH (Wang, Jiahong); Wu, L (Wu, Lie); Chu, PK (Chu, Paul K.); Huang, YF (Huang, Yifan); Ibarra, MR (Ibarra, Manuel Ricardo); Yu, XF (Yu, Xue-Feng).
Chemical Communications, volume 56, 2, pages 221-224. Published: Jan 7 2020.
DOI: 10.1039/c9cc07640a.
John E. Ordóñez, Lorena Marín, Luis A. Rodríguez, Pedro A. Algarabel, José A. Pardo, Roger Guzmán, Luis Morellón, César Magén, Etienne Snoeck, María E. Gómez, Manuel R. Ibarra.
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 2020, 11, 651–661.Associate Editor: J. M. van Ruitenbeek. Published 16 Apr 2020.
DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.11.51.
25th Assembly, Advanced Functional Materials Congress.
Prof. Ibarra, invited lecturer.
Prof. M. Ricardo Ibarra has been awarded with the annual prize by the International Association for Advanced Materials, “Advanced Materials Award 2019”, during the celebration of its 25th Assembly at Stockholm on March 25th 2019 ( This distinction has been granted to 34 scientists all over the world during its 25 years of history and represents one of the most important recognitions in this research field.
At this Congress, Prof. Ibarra has been distinguished for his contributions in scientific innovation, the promotion of transfer technology and the creation of spin-off companies.
Scientific seminar given by Prof. Ricardo Ibarra.
Febr. 27th 2020, 19:30, Clínica HLA Montpellier (Vía Hispanidad, 37, Zaragoza).