Oct. 14th 2016, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).
M.R. Ibarra: “Innovation in Nanotechnology”.
Seminar at the MPhil Program in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship.
Personal website
Oct. 12th 2016, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).
M.R. Ibarra: “Academic curiosity” and «Carrier for graduates».
Seminar at the Environment division.
Oct. 11th-14th 2016, Nanjing (China).
M.R. Ibarra: “Thermoelectric performance of spin Seebeck effect in Fe3O4/Pt-based thin film heterostructures”. Invited talk at the 23th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics, WOE23.
El periódico de Aragón: China premia a una empresa «spin off» de la UZ por su innovación en grafeno.
Sept. 24th 2016, Qingdao (China).
M.R. Ibarra: “On the nature of the metal-graphene bonding».
Invited conference at the International Graphene Innovation Conference, GRAPCHINA 2016.
Sept. 8th-14th 2016, Cluj-Napoca.
M.R. Ibarra: “Spin/charge currents and surfaces”.
Session speaker at the 11th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials.
July 7th 2016, Advanced Science Research Center. Tokai, Japan.
M.R. Ibarra: “Relevance of the surfaces in thermospin and spintronics effects”.
Session speaker at the 641st ASRC Seminar.
June 24th 2016, Hokkaido University, Japan.
M.R. Ibarra: “Magnetic nanoparticles for new therapies and diagnosis”.
June 14th 2016, Katahira Campus. Tokyo, Japan.
M.R. Ibarra: “Electrons, spins, magnons and surfaces”.
International lecture of Spintronics, Graduate Program in Spintronics (GP-Spin) and ERATO Spin Quantum Rectification (ERATO-SQR).