Research projects

Prof. Ibarra has coordinated 32 national and international R&D projects of infrastructures and research in the field of magnetism and nanotechnology and its applications, with an overall financial support of €20,000,000. In general, he has participated in more than 50 projects. International projects: 22 (6 funded by the European Commission, Framework Program VI-VII; 2 by NanoSci-E+Eranet; 14 from multinational agreements). National projects: 20 funded by CICYT, FECYT, DGCYT; and 7 coordinated with other Institutions and two of them in very competitive calls: in the frame of the strategic action in Nanoscience (NAN2004-09270-C03) and in the CONSOLIDER program (CSD2006-12) “Nanotechnologies in nanobiomedicine”, which grouped 10 different institutions (4.500 k€).

-Title: “Trans-Pyrenees Action on Advanced Infrastructures for Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies” (Train2). Financed by the European Union, Interreg IV B SUDOE. TRAIN2-SOE2/P1/E-280. Duration: 01/01/2011-31/12/2012. Budget: 2.342.558 €. M.R. Ibarra, Coordinator.

-Title: “High performance energy by the interplay between thermoelectricity and spin Seebeck effect” (THERMO-SPINTRONIC). Financed by the European Union. PUI/2012-053. Duration: 2012-2016. Budget: €100,000. M.R. Ibarra, Coordinator. Grant Agreement number: PCIG10-GA-2011-304043. Referencia: 304043.

-Title: “Enabling science and technology through European Electron Microscopy” (ESTEEM2). Financed by the European Union, FP7 on Research Infrastructures. Duration: 01/10/2012-30/09/2016. Budget total consorcio: 7.486.016€; presupuesto (INA): 370.905’60 €. M.R. Ibarra, INA, partner.

– “Nanotecnologías en biomedicine” (NANOBIOMED). CONSOLIDER. PI118/08. Coordinador: M.R. Ibarra. Financed by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. CSD2006-00012. Duration: 2006-2011. Budget: €4,500,000.

– Title: “Multifunctional gold nanoparticle for gene therapy” (NANOTRUCK). IP: M.R. Ibarra (Coordinador) y J. Martínez de la Fuente. European Union, ERA-NET NanoSci-E+. Budget: €220,000. Duration: 2009-2012.

– Title: “Enabling science and technology through European Electron Microscopy” (ESTEEM3). Main researcher: M.R. Ibarra. Financed by the European Union; Horizon 2020, Infraia-01-2018-2019. Project number 823817. Budget: €10,000,000 (total); €444.680 (INA). 2019-2022.

  • He is the main researcher of the group E26 Magnetismo en Nanoestructuras, a Consolidated Research Group of the University of Zaragoza recognized by the Regional Government of Aragon.

Current R&D  projects and outreach projects

TRANSAUTOPHAGY. European Network of Multidisciplinary Research and Translation of Autophagy Knowledge.
Main researcher: Victor Moschalkov.
Funded by the European Union, European Science Foundation, MPNS COST Action MP.
Duration: 2016 – 2020.

Liberación de fármacos mediante nanovectores termosensibles con accionamiento magnético y enzimático.

Main researcher: G. Goya.
Funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, MAT2016-78201-PMINECO.
Duration: 2017 – 2019.

Dinamización, promoción e internacionalización de la ICTS de Microscopía Electrónica en España.

Main researcher: M.R. Ibarra.
Funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, MAT2017-90779-REDI (draft resolution).
Duration: 2018-2019.

El rescate del Titán.

Main researcher: M.R. Ibarra.
Funded by Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. FCT-17-12175
Duration: 2018.

FEnanoMENOS III Edición.

Main researcher: M.R. Ibarra.
Funded by Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. FCT-17-12307
Duration: 2018.

10 Most relevant R&D Projects

ESTEEM3. Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy
Main researcher: M. R. Ibarra
Funded by the European Union, INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 proyect 823817.
Duration: 2018 – 2022. Budget: €10,000,000.

ESTEEM2. Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy
Main researcher: M. R. Ibarra
Funded by the European Union, FP7 on Research Infrastructures.
Duration: 2012 – 2016. Budget: €7,486,016.

Desarrollo de un kit universal para liberación remota controlada de fármacos mediante hipertermia magnética en aplicaciones oncológicas (HELLO KIT)
Main researcher: M. de la Fuente. Co-ordinated by the company NanoScale Biomagnetics
Funded by the
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Subprogramme INNPACTO. IPT-2012-0712-010000
Duration: 2013 – 2014. Budget: €1,966,289.

Desarrollo y puesta en mercado de biosensores immuno-magnéticos con cuantificación mono y múltiple analito
Main researcher: J. Sesé. Co-ordinated by the company Certest Biotech
Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Subprogramme INNPACTO. IPT 010000-2010-0002.
Duration: 2010 – 2013. Budget: €397,539.

Train2: Transpyrenees action on advanced infrastructures for nanoscience and nanotechnologies
Main researcher: M. R. Ibarra
Funded by the European Union, Interreg IV B SUDOE. TRAIN2-SOE2/P1/E-280.
Duration: 2011 – 2012. Budget: €2,342,558.62.

NANOTRUCK: Multifunctional gold nanoparticle for gene therapy
Main researcher: M. R. Ibarra and J. M. de la Fuente
Funded by the European Union, ERA-NET NanoSci-E+.
Duration: 2009 – 2012. Budget: €220,000.

Magnetic nanoparticles for nerve regeneration (MARVENE)
Main researcher: G. Goya
Funded by the European Union, ERA-NET NanoSci-E+ Transnational Consortium, NAN092.
Duration: 2009 – 2012. Budget: €201,000.

Nanotecnologías en biomedicina (NANOBIOMED). PI118/08
Main researcher: M. R. Ibarra
Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, Consolider program. CSD2006-00012.
Duration: 2006 – 2011. Budget: €4,500.000.

Láminas delgadas granulares con efecto magnetoresistivo para su uso en sensores de posición sin contacto
Main researcher: M. R. Ibarra. With the collaboration of the company Aragonesa de Componentes Pasivos (ACP)
Funded by the Funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. CIT-420000-2008-19
Duration: 2008 – 2009. Budget: €230,876.

Competitive contact-less position sensor based on magnetoresistive nano-contacts (MUNDIS)
Main researcher: M. R. Ibarra
Funded by the European Commission. Sixth Framework Programme FP6-IST.IST-2004-2.4.2 027827.
Duration: 2005 – 2008. Budget: €521,757.